How to get to Santa Teresa

The fastest way to get here from San Jose is a domestic flight

to Cobano with » Sansa Airlines
Flight time: 30 min, 25 min drive to our hotel.

We will be happy to schedule a taxi to wait for your arrival. Rate from Cobano: $40. Payment is directly to the driver in cash.

If you are planning to drive to Santa Teresa with a rental car from San Jose (we recommend a 4×4), you drive to the port town of Puntarenas where you take the ferry to Paquera, crossing the Gulf of Nicoya.
It is recommended to buy the ferry pass online in advance and secure your space on the ferry:
From Paquera you drive on to Cobano and then straight to Santa Teresa / Mal Pais. The whole trip takes around 4.5 hours.

There is also the option of taking a private taxi straight from / to anywhere in the country.
A Taxi from San Jose International Airport – $350
A Taxi from Liberia International Airport – $350
Please feel free to coordinate that with the hotel management.

Public busses and shuttles get to Santa Teresa also on a daily basis from San Jose. For schedules and information about the direct busses from/to San Jose call (506) 2642 0219 or (506) 2221 7479 or check bus schedules. For private shuttles there is Tropical Tours, Pantera or Costa Rica Inter Bus.

From the Liberia Airport: it takes around 5 hours to get from Liberia to Santa Teresa. Drive via Santa Cruz – Nicoya – Naranjo – Paquera – Cobano – Santa Teresa. This is the safest and easiest route to ta

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